Enabling every child to be the best version of themselves
Year 6 class: Ravens
Class teachers: Mrs J Atkinson & Mrs M Hall
Personal growth and rewards
We encourage our children to strive towards demonstrating our REACH drivers of:
R – teaching responsibility and resilience;
E – nurturing emotional intelligence;
A – encouraging ambition and achievement;
C – promoting creativity and a love of knowledge
H – celebrating hard work and kindness.
When children do so we see the children achieving our whole school mantra of: turn up, work hard, choose kind.
During Spring 1, Ravens as a class, are recognised and celebrated for many aspects of character traits and development that our children have demonstrated. Most notably, resilience and determination; zest; a love of learning; love and kindness and gratitude.
We also ask that our children live by our school values of RESPECT, TRUST, HONESTY, POSITIVITY and CO-OPERATION. When children show these they can be recognised for being a ‘bucket-filler’ and awards given for individual achievement from FS2-Y4. In years 5 and 6, children will be awarded a ‘Totally Trusted’ award when they show our values in action.