Enabling every child to be the best version of themselves
Staff at Dickens Heath Community Primary School work extremely hard and are committed to ensuring each child makes the progress that they are capable of, whilst recognising that children all have different starting points.
Strategic leaders are committed to providing all staff with appropriate continued professional development (CPD) in order to carry out their roles and responsibilities to the very highest standards. As a result, staff regularly receive training sessions on understanding and supporting a range of needs.
Whole staff training to disseminate knowledge, strategies and experience, to ensure consistency of the school’s approach for children with SEND is planned and implemented termly, through internal training by the SEND team and input from external agencies. School staff also have access to National College training modules as part of staff CPD accessing a range of SEND based learning.
Recent training staff have benefitted from includes:
The SENDCo attends termly Local Authority and Collaborative SEND meetings for SENDCo’s, Synergy and the Local Education authorities’ yearly SENDCo conference.