Enabling every child to be the best version of themselves
During the academic year 2020-2021, a number of our children have had to receive their education remotely either due to the national lockdown or through instances where individual children will be self-isolating due to coming into contact with a positive case of Covid-19.
As a school we produce detailed plans which we call ‘Maintaining Education plans’ for remote education so that children will have access to a high quality education at home equivalent to the learning that they would receive within the classroom and linked to the intended, current learning.
The main sources of communication between the teacher and home when remote education is taking place will be Microsoft Teams and Class Dojo.
The school office team will support you in advising around remote education when you need to report your child’s absence from school if they are attending or if they are unable to access remote learning due to being unwell. Please do not hesitate to contact the office or your child’s teacher for support/advice as required.
For further detail around our remote education offer and procedures please refer to the policy and plan below.
As a school, we are incredibly proud of our remote education offer which has been positively received and endorsed by our parents as seen in the attached comments: