Enabling every child to be the best version of themselves
Senior Leadership team - Mrs Nicholls - Head Teacher
Senior Leadership team - Deputy Head Teachers
Additional school roles:
Mrs Carabine - SENDCo
Miss Hull - Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Workman - School Business Manager
Mrs Wild - Family Liaison Lead
Mr Staite - Wider Opportunities Lead
Mrs Campbell - Maths Lead
Mrs Harrodine - English Lead
FS1/Nursery - Mrs Mandell
Wraparound - Mrs McCormack
FS2 - Mrs Derrick, Mrs Staite and Mrs Griffin-Webb
Year 1 - Mrs Campbell, Mrs Roberts and Mrs Sutton
Year 2 - Mrs Swindell, Mrs Carabine and Mrs Chunsi
Year 3 - Mrs Hardisty and Mr Staite
Year 4 - Ms Burrows, Miss Hull and Mrs Allen
Year 5 - Miss Andrew, Mrs Shepherd and Mrs McInnes
Year 6 - Mrs Atkinson, Mrs Hall, Mrs Harrodine and Mrs Maddock
Willows - Mrs Coleman, Miss Chambers and Mrs Andrews
KS2 Specialist Interventions: Mrs Bagchi
Miss Parsons (Maternity)
Teaching and Learning Support Team:
Foundation Stage: Mrs McCormack, Miss New, Miss Yasin, Mrs Tamin, Mr Hooton, Mrs Logan, Mrs Richards and Mrs Perks
KS1: Mrs Osborne, Mrs Haynes, Mrs Tole, Mrs Currier, Mrs Gray, Miss Butwell, Mrs Barber, Mrs Thomas, Miss Rupp, Mrs Newey, Mrs Moore and Miss Jones (Maternity)
LKS2: Mr Bartlam, Miss Gillespie, Mrs Saranathan and Mrs Toledano
UKS2: Mrs Maddock, Miss Parchment, Mrs Naveed and Miss Fannon
Willows: Miss Thompson, Mrs Butler, Mrs Flannigan and Mrs Smith
SEMH: Mrs Wild and Ms Coombes
Sports Coaches: Mr Tattersall and Mr Williams
Office Team: Mrs Workman, Mrs Healy, Miss Haynes and Miss Cordrey
Site Officer: Mr McEvoy
Acorns Childcare: Mrs Pugh, Mrs Goldman, Mrs Ludlow, Mrs Crawford, Mrs Gray, Mr Hooton, Mrs Jones, Mrs Currier, Mrs Mow, Miss Rupp, Mrs Roberts-Vesela and Mrs Saranathan
Lunchtime Supervisors: Mrs Roberts-Vesela, Mrs Phillips, Mrs McCaffrey, Mrs Gill, Mrs Mow, Mrs Anjum, Mrs Jeal, Mrs Denny and Mrs Williams