Enabling every child to be the best version of themselves
At Dickens Heath we believe that all students, regardless of their background, should be supported and challenged to attain the best possible outcomes during their time with us.
The Pupil Premium Grant is funding provided to schools to close the attainment gap between disadvantaged children and their peers. The grant can be spent as each school sees fit, as long as it is used to improve the attainment of eligible pupils. Schools do not need to spend an equal amount on each pupil, or use the money for interventions that benefit only eligible pupils. At Dickens Heath, our aim is to use our Pupil Premium Grant to provide the best quality of education provision in order to raise attainment. As it is the school’s responsibility to make decisions about how the funding should be spent, we research and fund evidence-based strategies which are proven to target and impact upon pupil progress.
This is how we spend our pupil premium funding and is detailed in the annual allocation reports below. We also tell you the effect the funding has had on the attainment of the pupils who attract it in the impact summary.
Outcomes from interventions are evaluated on a half-termly basis and scrutinised as part of termly Pupil Progress process.
The Pupil Premium Strategy is reviewed on a termly basis by the Pupil Premium lead.
The date for review of the next Pupil Premium Strategy is September 2024.