
Dickens Heath Community Primary School

Enabling every child to be the best version of themselves

How do we work collaboratively with parents to support pupils both in school and at home?

Parents know their child best, working in partnership with parents is essential!

Parents are involved at every stage during the identification of special educational needs, through to discussing and reviewing provision implemented.


Parents are invited to discuss pupil progress and provision at Parents’ Evening with the class teacher, each term. Every child in the school with additional needs, where they are receiving support for their specific needs, has a Pupil Learning Plan, with small step targets mapped out. 


Where a child receives a high level of targeted or specialist provision, to meet their complex SEND needs, a member of the SEND team, the school SENDCo and external agency professionals may be in attendance, along with the parents, at a termly SEND review meeting to discuss progress against a child’s specific SEND targets. Outcomes of assessments by other external agencies may also be discussed with parents at review meetings and reports shared. 


As part of the graduated approach some pupils are identified to require the highest level of support, the SENDCo will apply for statutory assessment for an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). This is a lengthy process, part of which involves a structured discussion with the parent. Close liaison with parents is necessary throughout and once the plan is in place. If the plan is agreed it will be reviewed, and updated at a meeting with the parents, SENDCo, EHCP team and any other external agencies involved, at an annual review.


Parental views are sought at termly and annual reviews and throughout the year to obtain parents' views about their child's SEND, provision to meet pupils needs and any reasonable adjustments which parents feel may be appropriate. 


Link to SEND knowledge organisers for different areas of SEND to support parents knowledge and understanding: