
Dickens Heath Community Primary School

Enabling every child to be the best version of themselves

Support for families

Working in partnership with parents

Parents know their child best, working in partnership with parents is essential!


Termly review meetings

Every term a meeting is held between parents and staff in The Willows, which may include class teachers, Miss Chambers or Mrs Miller. At the review meeting we will ensure that parent and pupil voice is shared and gathered and progress against your child’s targets is discussed, along with next steps agreed.


Annual EHCP review

Each year a meeting is held between parents, staff in The Willows, additional external agencies in order to review your child’s EHC plan, both its content and the specific targets and provision required.


External support for families:

There are a range of external providers who may be able to support you with your understanding of your child’s needs, advice for how to support your child at home or support for attendance at various external clubs.


Autism West Midlands 


