
Dickens Heath Community Primary School

Enabling every child to be the best version of themselves

What is our approach to supporting pupils with SEND?

At Dickens Heath, we are fully committed to being an inclusive community, providing the best educational experience as possible for all our children, to support children to be the best versions of themselves developing the skills to be life ready.


We strive to ensure that all pupils are included in all aspects of school life and are supported to have the best experiences we can provide. We do this inline with the EEF's 'Five a day' and the Local Authority's Graduated Approach. In essence by: 

  • Seeking to know the individual child, building positive relationships and creating effective and enabling environments.
  • Maintaining high aspirations for all children through providing high quality first teaching in all classrooms, acknowledging that provision for children with SEND is a matter for everyone. As per the Code of Practice (2014), all staff are teachers of children with SEND. 
  • Embedding a continuous cycle of assessing, planning, teaching and reviewing. The majority of children will learn and progress within these arrangements and with reasonable adjustments where required. 
  • Providing children with SEND support that is additional to or different from the provision made for other children. Staff strive to remove barriers to learning through scaffolding  teaching, aiding children's levels of engagement and attention and supporting regulation of emotion in order to fully participate. 
  • Ensuring classrooms are ASD and Dyslexia friendly, through visual and language aids, access to quiet and regulation spaces and alternative means of recording for written tasks where appropriate. 


See our attached Graduated approach to see how we support children at different stages:
