
Dickens Heath Community Primary School

Enabling every child to be the best version of themselves

Admissions - FS1, FS2 and in-year

FS1 September 2024


We currently have a small number of places FS1 Nursery September 2024 still available. If you would like an application pack, please contact the school office or complete the application form below and return it to


Open Evening for new FS1 parents/carers who have been offered a place


We are holding an open evening for new parents on Monday 10th June 2024 at 6pm in our school hall. This is an evening for parents/carers only. Your child's induction plan has been shared with you via email. 

FS1 September 2025


Applications for September 2025 will open in October 2024. Open day information will be published on this webpage during the Summer term 2024. 



Welcome to FS1

Nursery class

All Solihull infant and primary schools are now responsible for their own admissions policy. In order to provide as much information as possible for parents, we have published a copy of our policy for admissions, along with information leaflets about the government 30 hour free childcare.



Welcome to FS2

Reception class

Our school follows Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council’s admission arrangements for reception aged children.


Each year, the council publishes information detailing of the admission arrangements for Solihull schools. The information is available from the Solihull Council school admissions team on 01217046693 or from the SMBC website at


You can apply for a place online at

Reception application forms are available from the Solihull School admissions team 12 months before the child is due to start in reception.


Attendance in a school nursery will not give any priority for a place in the reception class at the same school. A reception application form must be completed.


Children living outside of Solihull Borough will need to make applications for places at Dickens Heath Community Primary School via your home council. If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact the school office. 



Open Evening for new FS2 parents/carers who have been offered a place


We are holding an open evening for new parents on Monday 17th June 2024 at 6pm in our school hall. This is an evening for parents/carers only. 



In year admissions

As a Local Authority maintained school, all admission applications and enquiries, with the exception of nursery children, should be directed to Solihull Council Admissions Team via their website. 


