
Dickens Heath Community Primary School

Enabling every child to be the best version of themselves


The intent (what we intend to teach) of the EYFS curriculum can be seen in the DHCPS EYFS Policy and the Long Term plan for FS1 and FS2 which is aligned to the aims and objectives of the EYFS Framework and supported by the Development Matters guidance. This should be read alongside our whole school curriculum policy which details our whole school curriculum offer, how we are committed to and seek to achieve a broad and balanced, knowledge rich curriculum and why we teach using the methods that we use which are summarised in Rosenshine's 'Principles of effective instruction.'

The implementation of this (how we intend to teach it) is outlined in the EYFS subject on a page.  This should be read alongside our whole school educational strategic overview which details our whole school curriculum design and core curriculum aims.  The two 'subject on a page' documents show how the DHCPS curriculum at DHCPS prioritises each of the curriculum aims and details a route map of how each area of learning and development is effectively designed and crafted to seek to achieve these aims. 

We monitor the impact of the EYFS curriculum through various means including: evidence of work, pupil conferences, EYFS ongoing assessments and tracking and lesson observations.  These are analysed on a termly basis and a 'strategic evaluation and development plan' for EYFS produced which contributes to the whole school ongoing continuous improvement cycle and whole school self-evaluation
