
Dickens Heath Community Primary School

Enabling every child to be the best version of themselves

How do we work collaboratively with parents to support pupils both in school and at home?

Parents know their child best, working in partnership with parents is essential!

Parents are involved at every stage during the identification of special educational needs, through to discussing and reviewing provision implemented.


Parents evening and SEND review meetings:

Every child in the school with additional needs, where they are receiving support for their specific needs, has a SEND plan. The class teacher focuses on achievable short term targets, through universal and targeted provision, which are shared with parents each term. Parents are invited to discuss progress at Parents’ Evening with the class teacher. 


When there are first concerns regarding a child’s progress and possible special educational needs a discussion will occur with the class teacher in the first instance and a review of class provision will occur. Following this the school SEND team may be involved to do observations and use checklists and initial assessments to begin to understand a child’s profile.


Where a child receives a high level of targeted or specialist provision to meet their complex SEND needs, a member of the SEND team, the school SENDCo and external agency professionals may be in attendance, along with the parents at a termly SEND review meeting to discuss progress against a child’s specific SEND targets. 



As part of the graduated approach some pupils are identified to require the highest level of support, the SENDCo will apply for statutory assessment for an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). This is a lengthy process, part of which involves a structured discussion with the parent. Close liaison with parents is necessary throughout and once the plan is in place. If the plan is agreed it will be reviewed, and updated at a meeting with the parents, SENDCo, Statutory, Assessment, Review Team (START) and any other external agency involved, at an annual review.


SEN Coffee Mornings: 

Parents of pupils with SEND are welcome to attend a coffee morning once a term time. At these informal meetings, we provide opportunities for parents to offer each other advice and support based on their own experience. Sometimes relevant speakers are invited to attend.  If you have any suggestions for appropriate guest speakers please contact the SENDCo and share your thoughts.


Link to list of resources and websites for parents to use as support at home: 
Link to SEND knowledge organisers for different areas of SEND to support parents knowledge and understanding: