
Dickens Heath Community Primary School

Enabling every child to be the best version of themselves

How do we identify pupils with SEND and how are they assessed?


We follow a graduated approach to every child’s learning, following the Assess - Plan - Do- Review model to ensure that we are meeting the needs of every child. Ongoing monitoring and assessment of each individual pupil’s progress is important. Regular observations, assessment and recording of the progress of all children are used to identify children who are not progressing satisfactorily and who may have additional needs.


Each term, class teachers meet with the SLT and SENDCo to discuss the progress and attainment of all children in their class, and any concerns they may have. Targeted support and /or interventions may be put in place to address these concerns, and the child s monitored for an agreed period of time. If there are still concerns based on the school’s observations and assessment data, following a discussion between the class teacher, SENDCo and parent, the child may be identified as requiring differentiated curriculum support.


With the agreement of parents, a child may be placed on the  chool SEND register. If a SEND plan is required, specific short -term targets are identified and used to support the child’s progress. In these cases, parents will be invited in to school to discuss the targets with the SENDCo and class teacher.



We recognise that all pupils make progress at their own pace, and that progress can be measured in many different ways. This is particularly true for some pupils with SEND. Dickens Heath School use “Bsquared” assessment tools to support and monitor small steps of progress in reading, writing and maths.


All pupils on the SEND register have a termly SEND plan with targets. Targets are intended to be achievable over the term, and agree new targets are agreed when targets have been achieved. These targets may be based on curriculum subjects, physical needs or social and emotional areas of difficulty. Pupils with an EHC plan have outcomes to work towards annually, which are assessed collaboratively as part of the annual review process.
